Why is it Important to Have Clean Gym Facilities During the Pandemic?
Gyms have many “moving parts”; therefore, present some special challenges for maintaining a clean and safe facility. For gym managers within the preparation stages of reopening gyms, the following steps will help them navigate the process of reopening and staying open during the pandemic:
Are you planning to re-open your gym and searching for a company the offers commercial housekeeping services? Contact Northside Floor Care today at (423) 637-4265.
Stay updated and follow recommendations
Stay updated on local and state recommendations for reopening and staying opened. Follow all CDC guidelines for safeguarding all gym users.
Set up proper disinfecting and cleaning procedures
According to the CDC, ‘disinfecting and cleaning are critical measures to reopening public places which will require cautious preparation.’ Gym operators must follow CDC guidelines for disinfecting and cleaning public places by utilizing EPA-approved disinfectants that eliminate the virus on surfaces. Gym services must be certain to closely follow and read directions on the disinfectants in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of the cleaners. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also emphasizes that consistent disinfection of high-touch surfaces—like counters, doorknobs, faucets, toilets, and sinks—is essential for helping decrease the transmission of COVID-19.
Gym managers also should:
- Consider setting up set times for closing their gym to perform deep cleans between uses
- If budgets permit, consider electrostatic sprayers that effectively and quickly clean all surfaces of an area, as well as equipment within it
- Deep clean all equipment. Do not overlook items such as bands, functional trainer attachments, weight pins, mats and grips
- Train staff who are responsible for routine cleaning of the gym and equipment in correct disinfection and cleaning protocols and procedures
Create gym use procedures and policies
Establishing gym usage procedures and policies is important to maintaining a healthy and safe gym during the pandemic. Procedures which may help protect facility users and staff include:
- Offering PPE such as gloves and face masks for employees to wear
- Establishing capacity limitations on the quantity of occupants that may be in the gym at any given time to adhere to guidelines for social distancing.
- Create a reservation system for strength & conditioning room and classes, and workout spots
- Training employees on all safety procedures, which includes how to identify virus symptoms
For more information on our commercial housekeeping services please feel free to get in touch with Northside Floor Care at (423) 637-4265.